Sunday, 28 August 2011

Busy busy!

Sorry I've been terrible at updating lately. I've been so busy with everything, all the renovating and having a regular job. Phew. I don't know how people do it without going insane. Thankfully I have help from my family. So, here are some photos to show the updates!

Sorry for the lighting, all windows now have flatstock around them.

Little hard to see but the bi-fold doors all have trim work added to them

Gutted bathroom, visual progress

Compare to my earlier post, fireplace has a whole new mantle and surround

New dinning light, will have crystals hanging at some point

Hall closet, I've added a chandelier to make it girly

$50 at Ikea! yay!


  1. Hi

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Having a read through your snd your renovations are going really well.

    Love your mum's bathroom!

    Was going to follow your blog but you don't seem to have a button thingy?!

    Have a good week.


  2. Thank you! I think I fixed the problem! Let me know if you still can't see it.

  3. Hi there,

    I can see the followers label but not the followers and no indication of how to follow.........

    If you go to your dashboard and then design
    you will be able to add a "gadget" and chose followers and hopefully this should fix the problem.

    I'm only new to blogging myself so no expert....

    Will you try it out and if it doesn't work
    maybe we can get someone else to help.


  4. I did exactly that, and I can see it on my own page when I preview it. How strange. I'm pretty new to this as well, and often computer type things frustrate and confuse me! Haha
